
Forefront TMG Tips and Tricks


Scott Glew

Scott Glew

Richard Hicks (MVP)

Richard Hicks is a guy worth listening to when it comes to Forefront TMG. He has been installing, configuring, and managing TMG and its predecessors ISA Server and Proxy Server for more than 15 years. He has also built a great resource of information that Forefront TMG administrators use every day on his own TMG Blog site and on

Throughout his experience, Richard has picked up some great tips and tricks that you can apply in your daily workflow to help make your TMG Firewall easier to manage and even more performant.

You can read all about these tips and tricks is his latest article Forefront TMG 2010 Policy and Configuration Management Tips and Tricks.

Forefront TMG Tips and Tricks

More tips from the Archives

Richard has also been kind enough to write some guest posts on our very own TMG Reporter blog. Here are some of his past articles from our archives:

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Make The World A Better Place with Fastvue and Microsoft Reputation Services (MRS)

TMG Reporter can find sites that have not been categorized by Forefront TMG. You can then submit these sites to Microsoft Reputation Services (MRS), so everyone can benefit from your discovery!
TMG Reporter

How to Report on YouTube Activity with Fastvue TMG Reporter

This video shows you how to report on including how to create a report that provides a simple list of all the videos that people have watched.
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